
Joseph Kony 2012

Tenéis que ver estoy y actuar.
Esto es lo que me hace seguir.

Firma y apoya: http://s3.amazonaws.com/kony2012/kony-4.html
Compra y extiende el mensaje: http://invisiblechildrenstore.myshopify.com/

Ayer escribí esta entrada, compartí este vídeo (realmente tentador) y hoy quiero compartir unas palabras que intentan arrojar otra luz, un contrapunto que la emoción del primer impulso no nos deja ver a veces, y me incluyo. 

Puede que toda la espectacularidad y la conmoción que el vídeo Kony 2012 nos transmite nos impida ir un poco más allá. Agradezco a Andrea Stultiens, ella ha sido la que discretamente ha dejado el siguiente link en mi muro de facebook. Y se lo agradezco por que transmite el pensamiento de una persona que desde allí, ve la situación desde otra perspectiva. 

Es largo, y sé que habrá alguno al que le de pereza leerse una parrafada en inglés, me permito además de por supuesto añadir el link al texto completo, extraer algunas partes que me parecen importantes:


"Sure, Joseph Kony and his counterpart of yesteryear, Idi Amin, have largely been responsible for the single story of Uganda. I have a hard time shaking it from the lips of strangers I meet. That’s all they know or seem to want to listen to."

"We, Africans, are sandwiched between our historically factual imperfections and well-intentioned, road-to-hell-building-do-gooders. It is a suffocating state of existence. To be properly heard, we must ride the coattails of self-righteous idiocy train. Even then, we have to fight for our voices to be respected."

"The latest IC fund-raising cum “awareness-raising” is an insult to my identity and my intellectual capacity to reasonably defend its existence as beneficial to any Ugandan. The video project is so devoid of nuance, utility and respect for agency that it is appallingly hard to contextualize."

 "They are not selling justice, democracy, or restoration of anyone’s dignity. This is a self-aware machine that must continually find a reason to be relevant. They are, in actuality, selling themselves as the issue, as the subject, as the panacea for everything that ails me as the agency-devoid African." 

Talking about the women of Kirea, survivors of Kony's atrocities:
"They don’t waste their time lamenting the lack of justice for the fallen or the abducted. Why? Because it doesn’t bring back the dead, it doesn’t dissolve the horrific images of their huts burning, or ease the scars borne of running scared into the night. Instead, they want work and respect and business to be able to make decisions that move their lives along. They want desperately to forget and rebuild anew; thankful for their lives."
"Let me be honest. Africa is not short of problems, epidemics and atrocities. But it is also true that it is not short of miracles, ingenuity, and a proclivity to surprise. We as Africans, especially the Diaspora, are waking to the idea that our agency has been hijacked for far too long by well-meaning Western do-gooders with a guilty conscious, sold on the idea that Africa’s ills are their responsibility. This particular affliction is called “white man’s burden” in some circles. Please don’t buy into this. Africa’s problems are our own. "

"We here claim our political struggles as our own; our short comings as our own; our unrest as our own; our dissidence as our own; our broken infrastructure as our own; our diseases as our own; our uneducated as our own; our corruption as our own; our unfed children as our own."

"We have to be given due courtesy to at least try to develop capacities adequate enough to address our issues. We will never develop that capacity to do so if IC and others think selling Action Kits delivers utopia."

"I am coherent enough to realize when someone is trying to genuinely do good. At the surface, there’s nothing wrong with that. There is something wrong with assuming that the people who you are trying to help 1) need help, 2) want your help, or 3) can’t help themselves. IC and this video assumes all the above. Before anyone says ‘why haven’t you done anything to stop Kony?’, may I point out that it took the world’s most sophisticated army over a decade and billions of dollars to catch Osama bin Laden. Kony has been on the run for 25+ years. On a continent 3 times the size of America. Catching & stopping him is not a priority of immediate concern. You know what is? Finding a bed net so that millions of kids don’t die every day from malaria. How many of you know that more Ugandans died in road accidents last year (2838) than have died in the past 3 years from LRA attacks in whole of central Africa(2400)? We’ve picked our battles and we chose to simply try to live. And the world should be helping us live on our own terms, by respecting our agency to choose which battles to put capacity towards."

"Africa is our problem, we hereby respectfully request you let us handle our own matters." 

"If you really want to help, keep the guilt and charity in your backyard. Bring instead, respect, and the humility to let us determine our destiny."

Siempre es bueno saber y aprender sobre las cosa que nos interesan, no dejarnos llevar por la mayoría, generalmente, poco informada. No doy la razón a la campaña de IC ni al texto de PD, pero sí puedo decir que gracias a ambos, hoy sé un poco más sobre Uganda, sobre Kony y por lo tanto sobre África.  
Es verdad que Kony es un asesino que debe ser capturado, que los ugandeses merecen libertad para poder construir su propio destino. Si la campaña de IC consigue derrotar a Kony, yo estaré feliz, si el vídeo consigue que hoy todos hablemos sobre el tema, habremos conseguido mayor conocimiento y nos dará mayor capacidad de actuación; tampoco voy a olvidar las palabras del texto de PD, creo que África y los africanos necesitan su método propio, su reconciliación, su tiempo... para construir el futuro, el suyo, y es posible que nosotros, desde la distancia no conozcamos  sus necesidades, escuchemos pues, a los que sufren el problema y entre todos, encontremos vías de solución, de mejora...
